Setting Goals…

Setting Goals is nothing new to any of us. We have been setting goals since we were born. These early goals were called milestones by our pediatricians, but all the same – goals.  If you have ever experienced being around a baby learning to walk, then you can probably remember watching a baby crawl and getting excited about their new ability to move. You had a chance to witness the light bulb that came on in their eyes when they started walking and really getting around.  Pulling themselves up and pulling things down, these were all goals.  As a baby, you did not have the ability to say, โ€œTomorrow, I am going to move from knees to feet.โ€ You just had an innate belief that you could and before you knew it you were walking, and baby gates had to be put up to keep you safe.   But as you got stronger and got older the baby gates were removed and your full access around the house was granted. 

I think we need to look at our business goals in smaller chunks as well; not to worry about the social media accounts that we come across that have over 10K followers and crazy levels of engagement activity on each post. Just remember that consistency is key. The main thing is to stay the course and remember why the business was started.  Remember your goals, your ideas, and the reason you exist.  These are things you must keep in the forefront of your thoughts as you move forward- especially when you decide to expand.  Your expansion must tie into your business brand, mission, and values.    

My biggest regret after opening my boutique was changing the style and strategy of the business from a lounge for people to take their time and shop, to โ€œplease come shop at my highly discounted store.โ€  This was in 2009, the economy was in a recession and I learned a highly valuable lesson.  Your company will change as time moves forward but the reason you exist should remain consistent.  I remember trying to compete with a nearby boutique on Charles Street that was selling leggings for about $30 a pair by selling mine for $10.00. But the items where not moving โ€“ I couldnโ€™t understand.  My solution? I purchased more inventory and one day I looked around the store and I did not recognize my boutique.

These are difficult times for a lot of businesses, but these circumstances can also be a great opportunity to plan and take action.  Will you keep setting goals and reaching them so that you can look back and see growth?  During times like these the goals may be smaller, but you must continue to set them.  Remember the pendulum will always swing back the other way.  You need to ask yourself, WILL YOU BE READY?

Creatively Yours,

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